Hi, this is Olivia. I think we should help the homeless because everybody would be more awesome.
I am participating in Socktober this year to help homeless people. Socktober happens during the month of October - its when everybody helps homeless people. I got the idea of Socktober from Kid President:
There are a lot of homeless people in New York City, where I live. I see them sitting on the sidewalk. I see them on trains sometimes. I feel sad for them because I think the world should be a better place.
I am asking for your help.
I would like you to send as many new socks as possible to me and other stuff like winter clothes, and blankets and pillows, because winter is coming up soon. I am going to give everything I collect to a homeless shelter in my city. I still haven't decided which one, but my mom and I will soon.
My mom says that if you want to help by sending socks or other items, then either contact her via Facebook or email, or leave a note in the comment section below.
You can also send money and I will donate it or use it buy stuff for the homeless people. You can tell me what you want me to do with it.
I hope you can help.
Thank you.
P.S. You can learn more about #socktober here: http://www.happysocktober.com
This is awesome, Olivia! What a great thing to be working on! Love, The Anna ;)
Great idea! I'll send a check and you can use the saved postage to buy more of whatever you need--or give more to a shelter. Thanks for doing the "real work" for me.
Sonja B.
Hi Olivia! This is a wonderful and important way to help your new community. I've just sent you some money so you can buy whatever is needed. Your efforts have inspired me to talk to my students here in China about how to help the less fortunate in our town.
Love you and miss you lots!
Thanks for doing this Olivia & Elsie! We'll collect and send you a package.
Olivia Girl, you've got my heart as well as my money. Donation sent! I hope your effort turns out to be an awesome experience for you and your cool family! Our Baha'i community put together toiletry kits for homeless shelters in Champaign-Urbana this past February. We got lots of donations from hotels (shampoo, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, etc), put them in ziploc bags, and gave them to the shelters to give to the people who stay there. Kid President cracks me up, and I love and his Soctober idea. Wish I'd thought of that! All efforts made to help people without a place to stay are very important. I'm so happy you feel like you want to help them. <3
Hi Olivia! Thank you so much for doing this! Kyle & I donated some money via PayPal and we hope that you can use it to do good for your community! Thank you for working to make the world a better place for everyone!
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